Nov 26, 2008


Ingredients :

  • Milk - 4 Cup
  • Lemon Juice - 2 Tbsp
  • Sugar - 1 Cup
  • Water - 1.5 Cup
  • Cardamon or Kesar 

Procedure :

  1. Boil the milk.
  2. Add Lemon juice and steer so that the milk will curdle.
  3. Drain it using cotton cloth to get cottage cheese is called paneer.
  4. Wash the paneer nicely with cold water to remove the flavour lemon.
  5. Squeeze the paneer nicely or rap in a cotton cloth and keep under heavy weight for 15 min to remove all the water.
  6. In a deep pan mix water, sugar and cardamom(Kesar) and bring it to boil. Keep aside.
  7. Knead the paneer very nicely to prepare soft dough. (Knead it till it form into one ball)
  8. Boil 1 liter water,add half cup sugar. Mix well.
  9. Now make small balls and put in the boiling sugar water.
  10. Cook for 10-15 min.
  11. Take out cooked paneer balls from the boiling water and put it in the sugar syrup.
  12. Serve after cooling.

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